Sunday, December 19, 2010

Yogurt SUICIDE #1

*1 out of 10 

Ingredients: (It is probably better that you didn't know)
- Double Cookies n' Cream yogurt
- Vanilla Wafer yogurt
- New York Cheesecake yogurt
- Peanut Butter yogurt
- Chocolate Twilight yogurt
- Brownie bites
- Cheesecake bites
- Cookie dough bites
- Dewars pieces
- Frosted animal cookies

Well, this just goes to show you that we aren't afraid to go the distance when experimenting with yogurt. I was feeling nostalgic trying this flavor of yogurt.  How many of you remember that time as a kid when you filled up your cup with ten different flavors of soda and called it a "suicide?" This is really no different except unfortunately, it tastes horrible.  I mean the only thing that I could actually distinguish within the yogurt was the frosted animal bites and that was probably because of the texture.  The truth is, that I was in utter confusion.  I didn't really know what to make of it other than the fact that it was SWEET.  There was just too much going on.  This particular flavor I probably won't ever get again but that doesn't mean there won't be another "suicide" flavor that we write about.  I am fairly confident that there will be a "suicide," which tastes surprisingly good in light of its intimidating ingredients.

* I am defining "suicide" as a limited conglomerate of yogurts and toppings.  It is not being used as the traditional usage: combining all flavors (in this case both toppings and yogurt) exhaustively.

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